The bobbleheads ain’t coming. But the Yanks are in Boston for a three-game set against the Red Sox, who need these wins more than the New Yorkers. Be interesting to see if Alex gets any swings this week. I expect he might, just to give him some burn in a big league game.
Never mind the boo-birds:
Let’s Go Yank-ees!
Women's soccer game is on, US up 2-1 on Columbia
Yay, a run
Columbia has tied it up
Second run
Why isn't A-Rod playing??
I hate My Little Pony
Kinda feel bad for the kid. Almost
Scores anyway
[5] You still have to ask that? Who would the fans rather watch DH McCann or A-Rod? ;>)
G.I. Joe apparently never got the memo about how bad the Yankees suck with or without A-Rod in the lineup. The knucklehead thinks they have a chance at the playoffs.
Apparently Alex is playing in the last game of this series and then Friday at the Stadium.
Short hook by Joe
Despite occasionally making spectacular plays, Hicks is a shit-ass fielder. I usually see him running after the ball rather than to it.
Big Poopi. This is where I A-xit, stage left.
That's our Headley, turning a lead off double into an out at third.
Jeez, Hicks
Of course. Night all, just need to turn the iPad off
What exactly does Hicks do well on a baseball field?
Fuck GI Joe and fuck Hicks. Fuck 'em all!!!
A-Rod should be playing. He might get to pinch hit in a no-win situation tomorrow. Then, he's slated to start against a knuckleballer? That's a bunch o' fuckin' bollocks right there!!! Start him Wednesday, let him pinch hit Thursday after the floater has floated into the bullpen, and bat him leadoff at home on Friday.
easy peasy.
[18] There is something very unpleasant and ugly going on with the management of this team and A-Rod's exit.
G.I. Joke suggesting this team can make the playoffs is an absurdity that eclipses the most outlandish Trumpism.
I've been a fan for more than 45 years and I'm fed up. This might be my breaking point.
Al Davis' treatment of Marcus Allen drove me away from the Raiders and pretty much away from the NFL. This might end my ankee affair.
Maybe because I'm an older fan but the overdone coverage of Alex's exit moves me not at all. I don't care. It is time for him to go and $27 million is a nice exit. Follow the team. Say good-bye to this wonderful talent who unfortunately leaves with a mixed record. He could have been a contender.
Teixeira, Alex and now Prince Fielder. Strange year
Win games, yeah, you aren't fooling anyone, Joe.
What's wrong with EVo?
Hmm, Chasen in the game.
I'd never pinch run Tanaka, he's the ace
Any word on Evo? I didn't catch what's wrong.
Rush roh, right elbow discomfort for Eo.
Oh they just said, Eovaldi had right elbow discomfort. And Kenny noted the same thing happened this time last year.
Thanks for the out, Benny
I should watch Scranton instead.
Wow, the men defeated the Aussies by only 98-88
Damn not a DP
Only 1 run is actually not bad.
Flipped over to boxing for a minute. I thought head gear was mandatory, but they aren't wearing them
{34} Not anymore. Too bad.
Yay, Didi!
Any reason why they got rid of the head gear?
[38] I think because pros. are in it.
Ah, makes sense. The 20 year old kid I saw looked like an amateur.
Frazier has three hits, Judge hit his 18th homer and Enns is pitching a shutout. Better days ahead.
Johnny Allstaff pitching tonight. Who gets sent down?
C'mon Alex!
[41] nice. I hadn't checked yet so i'm glad to hear they are having good nights.
Oh well.
I don't think i've seen this before.
wow nice snag Warren.
I wasn't even watching this game -- then I happened to see the score.
And now I happen to see Gary Sanchez homer. Cool!
Oh, wow. Just looked at the pitching line.
Good thing we have 19 pitchers on the roster.
Nice solid single from Refsnyder. More runs more runs more runs more runs!
Was it foul? Wild pitch?
Oh, it hit the ump.
So that's better than a bunt.
Opportunity, Brett!
Your turn, Jake.
This is a very ugly game. Fun, but ugly.
I am calling it a season (maybe, probably) after Alex's last game. The guy performed, took all the shit heaped onto him, and (eventually) accepted the fact that he was the (much too belated) scapegoat for Bud's steroid era after the recent witch hunt.
I was pissed when the Yankes didn't dump Joe when Mattingly was available, and he can ride off into the sunset on his high horse this winter for all I care. I sincerely hope the next iteration of winning Yankee teams has someone else at the helm and that their key bat that year benefits from some of Alex's under appreciated baseball intelligence.
Aw my gawd.
Let's just get attah heah, while the Green Line is still running.
Is Ross wearing a blindfold? WTF is going on?
That'll do (I hope).
Nice game from Sanchez.
About time he got a chance.
nice. i'll take that.
GI Joe is a fucking tool. And it's ridiculous that A-Rod will be facing a knckler tomorrow. He'll be even more outta whack on Friday.
At this point, I kinda want Girardi to be fired and Alex to hop on with another team, and also play next season. I mean, why the fuck not...
oh, hey! i just saw that steven wright isn't starting tomorrow. it's a lefty. i hope alex bats leadoff.
i expect the yankee crowd to boo GI Joe mercilessly on friday. i'll be disappointed if they don't...
I have to admit, I don't at all get the Joe G hate. I'm with Joe G on this one. Completely.