"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Great Expectations

Whirled Serious or Bust! That’s how it’s got to be for the 2018 Yankees. At least if you listen to the pundits and the ever-demanding Yankee fans. No pressure.

But let’s not be too narrow, huh? Of course, we’d like to see them reach the Serious, and once there, win a title. But we’ve got a long time between now and then, and many pleasures to be had.

So never mind the noise, let’s enjoy.

The Bombers are up in Toronto to open the season. And we’ll be watching or listening or following in some capacity because, well, that’s what we do.

Here we go. Strap in.

Let’s Go Yank-ees!

Picture by Bags

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Thread  Yankees

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1 rbj   ~  Mar 29, 2018 11:37 am

Happy Baseball!

2 rbj   ~  Mar 29, 2018 11:44 am

First pitch home run!

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver