Has there been a backlash to Boone’s “Savages” routine yet? Maybe, but I’m not there.
I still think it was beyond Boss no mater how people co-opt the phrase to make a meme or a buck. I liked it because it was a reminder to a young professional, in this case the home plate umpire Brennan Miller, that the big leagues are grown up business—the mics caught Boone dressing the ump down after Boone had been kicked out of the game.
You gotta love Boone defending his players and referring to his hitters as “fucking savages in the fucking box” and you gotta love Boone sympathizing with the kid for having a tough start to the game and you gotta love Boone trying to shake him into shape. It is humiliating for the ump I suppose because this went viral. But Boone wasn’t abusive, he didn’t tear into the Miller personally, he was just firm with him.
Also, the look on Miller’s face was priceless. He was guilty but still in a position of authority. He had to take it but he couldn’t back down. Umps sometimes have the whiff prison security guards about them and Miller looks like a state trooper right out of the academy. He is young and going to screw up. You feel badly for him that a routine rite of passage was preserved for all eternity but the public will not remember him—if this is remembered at all it will be for Boone.
Because of the audio work of Jomboy the world caught an inside glimpse into something that is usually not for public consumption. Boone was surprised initially that his words were heard by everyone. And immediately the storyline shifts to “Boone Changes Rep is Secretly a Badass.” Well, that’s all good and fine for the Yanks and we’ll take it.
To me it isn’t anything new from Boone. Major League Baseball is his family business. Say what you want about him as a tactician—I don’t pay close attention to these things no matter how many games I watch but I understand from those that know that Boone isn’t a genius right out of the box (of course, who is?)—I absolutely love the guy as Yankee manager. I think he’s funny, tough, and seems to fit all the requirements of a modern manager.
Just so unbelievably hot here in the Bronx.
Yanks look to sweep the Rockies today. They will be scorching down on the field, fans roasting in the seats that are unprotected from the sun.
Hope everyone is safe and keeps hydrated.
Never mind prosperity:
Let’s Go Yank-ees!
Picture by Bags
That’s not the way to start off.
Or is it going to be one of those games?
Oontz returns the favor! 1-1
[0] Good write up, but needs more Brett Gardner ...
Dang, Voit back out there.
That was scary yesterday.
Well, so much for today's game.
Got the HoF ceremony on the big screen, Bernie’s doing the Star Spangled Banner a la Jimi. Cool.
I taped it to watch later
I’ve said it before. Paxton might be the new Sonny Gray.
Meanwhile, Sonny Gray has a 136 ERA+ for the Reds and was an All-Star.
To be fair, Paxton's knee is far from healthy ...
Damn, so hot that just a short walk with my dog made me nauseous.
[0] Great write up AB, old school baseball moment for sure.
Voit (and ball players in general) are crazy folks..my kids were asking how he went to 1B after being hit/grazed by that pitch. I was like, cause these are tough SOBs out there..
Everyone stay safe in the heat. We had that last summer for over a month, thankfully not this year.
How about a win tonight.
How about NOT hitting into a TRIPLE FUCKING PLAY?!???
Triple play!
[15][16] Ah, I just tuned in a missed it!
Didn't the Yankees turn one a few years back?
Sigh, then give up a homer.
Sigh, and a second.
Remember when CC had mastered the art of *soft* contact?
Yeah ...
That’s better.
Got one back.
Gio again! Incredible.
I wonder whether any player has hit into 5 outs in 2 consecutive at-bats?
Tied up.
Not a good night for CC.
I've been avoiding this game, because nothing good can come of watching it, but, popping back in for a moment, can someone explain why CC is still in there?
Needs be?
CC taking one for the team tonight then, eh?
[30] see [32]!
Sanchez roped that one.
Turning into a crazy game.
[35] Judgement Time to take the lead?
This game sucks
FFS! Jonathan Holder?
Well he held that and then some!
Sanchez has just not looked good recently..
[41] He is most likely hurt.
He got his thumb banged by a bat pretty badly a few weeks ago and it happened again last night. Who knows why are letting him play. They have made these injury mistakes time and time again. Shit, he played with a bum shoulder for the entire season last year.
4) Doh! You are right, forgot Gardy. That was hilarious. Like he was banging a broomstick on the ceiling to quiet the upstairs neighbors.
Let’s try this again. And no hitting into triple plays.
Aaron Judge is a good young face of MLB, not saying give him a smaller strike zone, just an honest one.
Didi comes through!
I’m only here for a minute... Scoring 2 with 2 on in the 1st is decidedly better than yesterday’s result.
For now, I’m watching on the MLB network and goddamn the Twins tv announcers are insipid and boring as hell. Brutal.
Also, I totally ordered a Fucking Savages In The Box t-shirt!!!
Seems like CC, DJ, and Little Sunday all chew tobacco. Yuck!!!
Haha, is Cruz s l o w !
Oh, and I really miss it here...
Howdy Nostra!
Hola, cult!
I’ve been waiting for the Sock Man this entire AB...
My bad
Looks like Gleyber, and maybe Didi, are trying to grow porn staches of doom
Ze German is a little off tonight it seems
Come on, German.
That could have been much worse.
Time for another tirade, Boone.
Fuck off, blue.
We really needed to score there.
Alright, I’m out... Go Savages!!!
Do all of the Yankeesstarters have #obligatoryhomer Syndrome?
My fear is that these aren’t the old Twins, who crumple like tin foil in the postseason.
Ok, not winning tonight.
Nice out, pity it put us deeper in the hole.
Ah screw this game
Nite, cult, I’m out too.
Snachez is just murdering this team right now.
Judge with the almost tater!! Game on
(73) Is he hurt? Total collapse in the last month or so
Atta boy, Judge. You should be on 3rd!
I love me some Didi!
[77] Yeah, he's just the coolest!
What happened to Gary there on the groundout? No word yet from the Twins radio broadcast..
Atta boy, Zach. Sano loves those ones.
Gary twisted his ankle stepping in first. Not horrifying. Not good.
I like it!
Playoff baseball feel today
Glad I couldn't keep from peeking in for the score.
Sorry, Score ... Truck!
Alright, Chappy, nail this one down.
The hell is up with the PA Announcer, it's like we went to a ballgame and a rave broke out ...
Chapman is bound to choke this away.
Got a bad feeling about this game.
[86] The Twins radio is picking up some fan with a VERY profane ongoing game commentary..I thought Minnesotans were supposed to be nice?
[90] YES feed as well.
Where's Mo? This is bullshit.
What a fucking shitshow
No way they win. Chapman needs out of this game. Walking the 8 and 9 guys. Boooooooooooooooooooo! Toast.
He needs to come out! What is Boone waiting for??
Well done, Chapman. Super job, dude.
[96] He's the closer, don't ya know?
The heat death of the Sun will occur before Boone-y will pull him.
At this point, the Twins can walk it off and it would be better than watching this shitshow.
Hmmmmm. 6 walks to end game or something just as terrible.
This is how Boone knocked helped knock us out of the playoffs last year.
I can't believe there's still nobody up. FFS.
Nice line drive out there, Chappy.
Free baseball!
We need a Savage in the dugout.
How not to win a game by Aaron Boone. It is clear to everyone that neither German nor Chapman have it, he just leaves them hanging out to dry.
[104] Hahahahaha!!!
Lame! Fucking Lame{
Nice read on that from Didi.
This game...wow.
Gleyber wouldn’t allow it. - Cone. Lol....
C'mon Big 0, time to put this one to bed.
Don’t fucking walk anybody! Oi!
Uh, not an auspicious first pitch from Big O
Now the PA is playing thrash, LOL.
[116] Heard in B'more they played Woody Guthrie the other day, way cool! Now the Yankee Stadium playlist on the other hand...
Fucking free passes! Who wants one?
Somebody kick me in the fucking balls, it would be less painful than watching our relievers tonight.
What's better than 1 walk?
Punches self in face.
Damn, pretty play.
C'mon, one more.
Infielders in recent times have been pulling off some crazy Globetrotter shit. Holy moly...
One more and we can all hit the showers and pound some Budweisers.
[124] In this day and age, baseball players still drink Budweiser..
Booooooooooooooooooooo! Throw fucking strikes. Jesus fucking Christ!
Hey guys...
Brutal game.
Either the best Win of the year or worst loss of the year.
14 to 12, 2 out, bases loaded, Green coming in.
Drinks paint thinner, lights self on fire, punches self in face, throws self down stairs ...
35 hits, feels like 35 walks
Bases clearing double or salami?
Our pitchers are head shy because of all the HRs the Twins have hit. Everything low and outside.
Or that?
Hicks!!!!!!!! Wow, what a game!!
Is it really over?
Hey all, lurking through that one. What a finish!
I'm out of breath.
Amazing game. Amazing Win!
My strategy for turning it off after they yanked O worked. Wow. Let's hope someone shows up for work tomorrow.
Actually, in retrospect that catch must have been incredibly exhilarating to watch. Knowing the game's on the line. The leap. The grab. The game.
Hicksie has finally become the guy we signed in the spring. A Savage.
Kraken's night goes from bad to worse (from 314):
Unfortunately, Gary won’t be able to correct this issue for the near future. Aaron Boone announced that Gary suffered a groin injury and will have a MRI tomorrow. There is a strong possibility Sanchez will be placed on the IL. What a rough month for Yo Soy Gary.
Aaron Hicks ran at 27.4 feet/second on the game-ending catch, according to @statcast. That’s the fastest he has run on an out he’s recorded this season. Also covered a distance of 74 feet on the play.
What a pleasant wake up this morning. Even Central Time games are getting to be too late for me these days.
Aw crap, Kraken back to the DL.
How about an easy win tonight.
[146] It's a JA Happ start, somehow I think you're in for disappointment ...
Fer fucks sake, #obligatoryhomer
[146] yup. But a man can dream.
not happy to join this cluster f. otoh, 14 to 12 says some thing is possible.
Hmm, challenge.
Already down 2-0?
Just saw an old 'uncle' in the train station here near my office, dude was wearing flip-flops, shorts, a double-middle finger Starf$cks t-shirt and holding a 500ml can of Suntory Malts beer. At 9:20am. Couldn't get a pic unfortunately but nice to see someone enjoying their retirement.
Didi again!
I hate that stupid fucking high wall in RF
Much better.
Anyone else think that Ryan Ruocco sounds a lot like Flash? (I mean his voice).
[156] it is hard to tell them apart. And they are a bad pairing.
[156-157] Ruocco more animated but I agree, they sound a bit alike.
Dayum, Hicks.
Hah, Twins radio guys just talking about how he was traded for a back-up catcher, then BOOM
Hicks looking pretry good, so does Glabor
Gleyber! This can be such a fun team to watch.
1-2-3 inning for Happ ... is that even legal?
Not enough to overturn, IMO.
[164] Not so much legal as in Bigfoot territory.
The Judge shattered his gavel ... and still got a hit.
I love me some Didi! Hot damn!
Me heart Didi
Poor Jake is being hung out to dry here ...
Sir Didi is hot
Next up, double digits.
Happ is not pleasant to watch pitch.
[175] Nope.
another not easy to watch game. it ain't over till it's over
Oooh, Kid Rock live at Treasure Island casino (Twins radio ad)...summer in the US, やっぱり!
This game looks like another 5+ hour one, dig in.
Grr, I’m out.
I think GGBG has just been Pipped by Tauchman
Well, here comes Chappy ... let's hope he's got something more than he had last night ... and if he doesn't Boone-y gets off his fucking ass and brings someone else in before things get too out of hand.
Ah, who am I kidding, it's Boone-y.
C'mon, Chapman. Don't suck again.
Cheers, y'all. Bring on the sox.
Anybody keeping an eye on Trout?
Even after mssing some time to injury, he (1.105 OPS) has all but caught up to Yelich (1.143 OPS) and Bellinger (1.114).
The guy is Mickey Mantle.
Brett to the DL, Tull retires.
[185] Damn the Angels, the Yankees were set to take him with their 1st round pick that year.
[186] Dammit, came here to post the exact same news.
Let's get this on!
Christ on a cracker.
What a disaster of a start.
Do the Yankees have *any* starters who don't suck right now?
New thread.