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When it Rains, it Pours

Joba is the latest Yankee to hit the DL.

Categories:  1: Featured  Baseball Musings  Yankees

Tags:  dl  joba chamerlain

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1 rbj   ~  May 2, 2013 3:52 pm

To paraphrase Casey Stengel, can't anyone here stay healthy?

2 Bronx Boy in NC   ~  May 2, 2013 4:23 pm

Ladies and gentlemen, my resume:

- Throw with my left hand.
- Have pulse.
- Can supply own Yankee cap.

C'mon Cash, operators are standing by.

3 rbj   ~  May 2, 2013 5:21 pm

[2] You know, that could be made into a season long promotion: be a Yankee for a day. Downside is that after the game, you'd be headed to the DL.

4 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  May 2, 2013 6:33 pm

[3] Hah!
Do players on the DL have a special room they hang in? Can you imagine Joba & Youk playing Nintendo and getting really heated, then A-Rod coming by like 'Hey Guys, what's going on?'

5 Chyll Will   ~  May 3, 2013 10:47 am

[4] You mean the Emergency Room? Yes.

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--Earl Weaver