"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Gruesome, Isn’t It?


The Mets don’t have hitting, they can’t score runs but on Tuesday night they continued to batter the bejesus out of Yankee pitching. This time it was to the tune of 12-7 as David Wright got 3 hits and Curtis Granderson and Daniel Murphy hit home runs. The Mets have a six-game winning streak over the Yanks dating back to last season.

The game took forever and even Zach Wheeler couldn’t pitch through the end of the fifth to earn the win. Although there was plenty for Met fans to cheer about the game took on a sleepy feeling for its final hour or two.

A low point for the Yanks is a highlight for the Mets.

The two teams move to Citi Field and the Yanks turn their lonely eyes to Masahiro Tanaka.

[Picture by Bernardita ArĂ­s]

Categories:  1: Featured  Game Recap  Yankees

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1 rbj   ~  May 14, 2014 7:52 am

After the last couple of days, do I even want to watch tonight?

2 Mr OK Jazz Tokyo   ~  May 14, 2014 8:01 am

At least Tanaka is pitching tomorrow. And the good news continues here in Japan as this summer's new ice-cream flavor looks to be Vege-Carrot Orange. Mmmm...taste the carrot healthy....

3 GaryfromChevyChase   ~  May 14, 2014 9:11 am

This depeleted Yankee team makes the Mets look like serious challengers. When I glanced at the schedule a couple of weeks ago, I was sorta licking my chops about next week: 6 games in Chicago. But the way the White Sox hit, that's now looking pretty dangerous. (Cubs shouldn't be a problem, at least I hope not).
Tonight: Let's go Tanaka!

4 Chris   ~  May 14, 2014 10:55 am

Oh, the humanity. So frustrating. At least it's early. And we have Tanaka.

5 Sliced Bread   ~  May 14, 2014 12:34 pm

The expansive outfield in Flushing should play to Tanaka's advantage.
I say we sweep the Queens portion of the series.

6 Greg G   ~  May 14, 2014 2:31 pm

U-G-L-Y. Thankfully I DVR'd it and watched it quickly, which took out most of the sting, but not all of the stink.

This season is already looking like last season. This is an old team and I am not surprised that Beltran, Tex, Ichiro and CC are injured. But what is disconcerting is that it is not just the old guys as Nova, Pineda, Kelley, Cervelli and Ryan have all spent or are spending time on the DL.

We aren't into the dog days of summer yet. Gulp! The AL East is really close now, but that does not bode well for an old team that is already patching a lot of holes.

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--Earl Weaver