A few days ago, David Pinto ran a post covering Curt Schilling’s critique of Rob Neyer, which originally appeared on a Red Sox site, Sons of Sam Horn. Pinto excerpted a good portion of Schilling’s comments. Yesterday, I noticed that Pinto was asked by Sons of Sam Horn to remove Schilling’s quote:
I have been accused of being unethical in using a quote from Schilling that Schilling had declared to be off the record. (See comments below). For the record, the off the record comment was at the beginning of the thread, and I didn’t see it. I have removed the quote at the request of Eric of SoSH.
However, I do not buy Eric’s argument that what Schilling says is off the record. It’s a publicly viewable web site. Schilling does nothing to hide his identity. What Curt has is a forum in which he can criticize and not be criticized. That seems a bit unfair to me.
Apparently, Eric is more invested in protecting his newfound relationship with Schilling than he is in journalistic ethics himself. I think he’s way out of line accusing Pinto–one of the most respected and conscientious bloggers on the Net—of being unethical. But while I certainly don’t agree with him, I understand Eric’s position. I can only imagine how much traffic Schilling brings to Sons of Sam Horn. However, if Curt Schilling believes that what he posts on the Internet should be considered “off-the-record,” well then either he is stunningly naive, or even more arrogant than I previously imagined.