"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice


Roger Clemens won his seventh Cy Young award yesterday. It was not a surprising cherce. Even if he wasn’t the best pitcher in the league it’s pretty special that he pitched so well for the Astros. Looks like he’s serious about hanging em up this time too. If this is it, what a way to go, huh?

Speaking of saying good bye, Brian Gunn, who has been one of the most prolific, informative and entertaining baseball writers on the Internet for the past two seasons is closing up shop at Redbird Nation to persue other interests. Check out his farewell post. He will be missed.

Lastly, there is a Mike Piazza for Shawn Green rumor making the rounds at the general managers’ meetings. Hmmm. What do you think, Met fans? Also, check out the latest baseball stylings from Rob Neyer and Steven Goldman.

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--Earl Weaver