The Yanks won a close one in the opener, 4-3. Pettitte wasn’t great but was certainly dogged. Giambi hit a bullet solo homer, though he made a bad running mistake late in the game. Farnsworth ended the eighth with a nasty slider; Mo was his old self in ninth. One thing that jumped out at me watching the post-game. They showed a slow-mo replay of the Yankee congrats-line at the end of the game. They followed Rivera along, dutifully giving dabs to each teammate, Jeter went by, some other guys, and then A Rod walked by and was very amped. He slapped Mo’s hands with authority. Mo got really amped up about it, it was cool to see. A Rod getting Mo juiced.
A very nice win for the Yanks. Now, the bats need to give Moose a whole lotta love in the night-cap. It’s poured since the end of Game One and jeez, the last thing Moose’s fincky ass needs is a wet field to come back to, but what can you do about it? Here’s to the Yanks getting the led out.