"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Shook Ones (Pt. II)

Scott Kazmir was good last night, but Phil Hughes was better. Joba Chamberlain pitched the eighth–including an emphatic strikout of BJ Upton–and Jose Veras earned the save as the Yankees won their 92nd game of the year, 3-1. It is looking more and more like the Yanks will face the Indians in the first round of the playoffs. You can throw the Yankees 6-0 record vs the Tribe out of the window–the Bombers only faced Fausto Carmona once this year, and didn’t see C.C. at all. But heck, the American League playoff teams–“the fantastic four,” as Brian Cashman called them the other night–are all tough. If the Yanks are to be champs, they’ve got to beat the best, ’nuff said.

Anyhow, I didn’t watch much of the game at all. I watched the Mets instead. Man, can you believe what is happening out in Queens? I have to say that I don’t derive a lot pleasure from watching a team fall apart like the Mets have over the past couple of days and weeks. I’m no fan of the Metropolitans, but I’ve got a lot of close friends who are. So while I don’t root for them to win, dude, I just can’t get into wanting them to lose like this. Think of the winter-long hangover they’d have to live with. Nah, that’s too much to wish on anyone other than a Red Sox fan.

Still, it ain’t over yet. So here’s the question of the day, if you don’t mind me shifting the conversation to the National League for a minute. Who will suck more (or less) this weekend: The Mets or the Phillies? The Mets are playing scared right now, though they said put up a brave front after the game, while the Phils are streaking. But these are the Phillies we’re talking about. If history tells us anything, it will be Philadelphia who folds. So if I had to take a pick, I’d say the Mets recover and make the playoffs, despite how awful they’ve looked this week.

But I’m rooting for a tie and a one-game playoff on Monday.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver