Where does Alex Rodriguez’s season rank amongst the greatest single seasons ever by a Yankee hitter? Well, according to OPS+, if the season ended today, he’d rank #25. Rodriguez currently sports an OPS+ of 183 (he had an OPS+ of 167 in his last MVP season, 2005). If he drops to 180, he’ll be in 30th place. Nothing but a bunch of guys name Ruth, Gehrig, Mantle and DiMaggio ahead of him on the list. But check out Bobby Murcer’s 1971 season, and Paulio O’s strike-shortened 1994 season, making to top 30.
* Okay, I know the headline is random as hell. It comes from Albert Brooks’ first record, co-prodcued by Harry Shearer, “A Star is Bought.” It’s a concept-record. Albert wants to have a hit record, so he designed an album with cuts that could be played on every kind of radio station–he does a blues duet with Albert King, has a talk-show segment, even sings Bolero. Because of a falling out between Albert and Shearer the album has never been released on cd. Hopefully, it will be someday as it is a must for Albert fans, and, in some ways, is a radio version of the mockumentary “This is Spinal Tap.”