"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Straight Up and Down, Troop, Don’t Even Play Yourself

Last night won’t mean much if the Yanks don’t win again tonight. They need to win this game and they need to win this series. Being three games up on Seattle is a whole lot better than just a one-game lead. Then again the Mariners need to win this game badly too. I expect their best effort and Washburn has been tough on the Yankees in the past. But I also expect Hughes to throw a good game and I expect the Yankees to win. Could be wrong, of course. They could come out flat. Who knows what we’ll see. But they should win, right? Alex Rodriguez is in the starting line-up, he’ll DH. Jorge sits, so does Abreu. Betemit plays third, G’bombee plays first, and Shelley SlamDuncanstein is in right.

Let’s Go Yan-Kees!

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--Earl Weaver