"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Wish You Were There

I often felt like I was being jipped when I was a kid. Whatever I had, it never seemed to be enough. Didn’t have enough presents, stuff, didn’t get enough attention, not unless I was acting the fool. It’s part of the territory when you are a twin, I suppose. So I often was envious of the “things” that my friends had–a t-shirt, or a pair of sneakers, a book or a guitar. I remember my friend Matt Cantor being at Yankee Stadium twenty-five years ago when Rags threw his no-hitter against the Red Sox. Normally, it would have been just the kind of thing that had me green with envy. I don’t recall much about that day–I’m sure I watched the game, but I don’t have a clear memory of it. What I do remember is feeling happy that Matt got to see it in person. At that point, Yankee pleasures came in small doses, and this was surely an unexpected surprise–the great Wade Boggs stuck out to end the game no less. I was not jealous that I wasn’t the one at the game, I was just excited that someone I knew was there. Hey, if it wasn’t me, might as well have been Matt, who a die-hard Yankee fan.
Twenty-five years ago. Jeez. Think I’ll go change my diaper now and put in my teeth.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver