"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

A-Huntin’ We Will Go…

Here’s a classic bit of Preston Sturges to keep you warm and smiling on another cold winter night in New York:

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One comment

1 Chyll Will   ~  Feb 7, 2010 2:06 am

Turner Classic Movies, one of the only reasons I have cable, is running a campaign where they show a movie that won a movie or starring someone who won an Oscar, then linking the Oscar winner in the following film, and so on. It's really great because I can see movies I never would have known about or thought of seeing, or find out interesting tidbits about the movie I didn't know.

With that in mind, maybe the Beat of The Day can do the same thing (sans Grammy since the Grammy has long lost its legitimacy in my opinion) where you link an artist from one generation to the next and so on, sort of like playing Six Degrees of Separation, but it doesn't link to Kevin Bacon and these musicians can rightfully trace their connections to each other... okay? >;)

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--Earl Weaver