"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Now, Lily…

An almost rumor…

Categories:  Bronx Banter  Trade Rumors  Yankees

Tags:  lily munser  lily munster  ted lily

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1 bp1   ~  Sep 1, 2010 9:57 am

All I gots ta say is that Herman was one lucky fella. Mrs Muster could scare me to bed any day.

2 OldYanksFan   ~  Sep 1, 2010 11:53 am

When you don't have to lose any young talent, and you are only paying for 20% of a players season, it would be nuts for a monied team heading for the PS, not to try and improve, regardless of how 'pressing' or not a move might be.

Aside from a poor player or a very expensive salary dump, I can't see too many teams letting the Yankees improve. I don't think it's a spoken collusion, but I don't think any team wants to feed fresh meat to the monster.

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