"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Cause for Concern…

According to Premier, Kool Herc, one of Hip Hop’s founding fathers, is seriously ill (here is an update on the story).

Our thoughts go out to Herc and his family.


1 ms october   ~  Jan 31, 2011 12:48 pm

damn. hope he is okay.

2 Alex Belth   ~  Jan 31, 2011 12:50 pm

Me too. But looks like he's going to have a lot of trouble paying his bills.

3 ms october   ~  Jan 31, 2011 1:03 pm

[2] yeah, going to be tough without insurance.
hopefully primo and some others can help out for the time being.

4 Chyll Will   ~  Jan 31, 2011 2:48 pm

They better help; the mega stars have the means to largely due to him. If not, like someone else commented, they better not be there for his funeral or any kinda tribute. It's a shame that something like this illustrates the problems "regular" folk experience without insurance; like it's all their fault they don't have it.

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