"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice

Take Two

I was in the subway last night when a double rainbow graced New York. But Inga Sarda-Sorensen was in central park and took this cool picture.

Yanks-Cubs again this afternoon in Chicago.

Brett Gardner LF
Curtis Granderson CF
Mark Teixeira 1B
Alex Rodriguez 3B
Robinson Cano 2B
Nick Swisher RF
Russell Martin C
Eduardo Nunez SS
A.J. Burnett RHP

Never mind the cleverness:

Let’s Go Yank-ees!

Categories:  1: Featured  Bronx Banter  Game Thread  Yankees

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1 a.O   ~  Jun 18, 2011 2:08 pm

I know interleague play isn't terribly popular, but I love watching the Yanks play the Cubs and I especially love watching them play at Wrigley. After leaving the NYC suburbs as a young boy (where I became a Yanks fan), I grew up in the tiny coastal town of Waveland, MS. The cable network WGN was one of the few channels that showed baseball regularly, and I spent many evenings watching Andre Dawson, Ryan Sandberg, and the crew aim for Waveland Avenue. From the Waveland Little League diamond it was an impossible shot to get one onto our own Waveland Avenue, which was a good 650 feet from home plate. But it didn't stop us from dreaming of copying the feat of those epic Cubs' hitters. Here's hoping we get to see the Yanks put one on Waveland Avenue this afternoon.

2 Mattpat11   ~  Jun 18, 2011 3:13 pm

One loss against this wretched Cubs team is enough

3 Alex Belth   ~  Jun 18, 2011 3:23 pm

I agree with the two of youse!

4 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:17 pm

Come A-Rod. Ducks on the pond.

5 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:25 pm

Who could havd predicted?

6 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:25 pm


7 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:25 pm

Hoo boy. I may have to start drinking early.

8 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:26 pm

[5] No one. Because you just can't predict baseball.

9 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:31 pm

[7] Sounds like a plan.

10 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:34 pm

hey, where's everyone at?

fuck fox. i have the braves game here. our game isn't on wgn, either. i guess it's good, as i have a boatload of songs to chart before my gig tonite...


11 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:35 pm

[7] have one for me! got an email from my friend in Berlin today...

12 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:40 pm

2-1. Hit and run? Something.

13 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:47 pm

i really hate the NL/pitchers batting thing...

pitcher pitch, hitters hit.

14 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:48 pm

Don't feel to bad about not scoring there, it was the bottom of the order. The first inning, no excuse.

15 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:49 pm

[13] Gotta disagree with you on this one. Nine guys in the field, same nine guys bat. Simple, elegant, and morally virtuous!

16 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:54 pm

Ah, young shortstops. Ya' never know what you are going to get.

17 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:54 pm

[15] i think you need to drink more! ; )

To Baseball!!!

18 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:55 pm

[16] Frankie Cervelli Throwing Fever...It's Catching!

19 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 4:55 pm

tex-ass with the double steal here in atlanta. elvis stole home. though, i think he's never been to spain...

20 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:01 pm

Dumpster's thrown over 50 pitches in 2+ innings. 3 walks. and we still have ZERO runs.

hey Score Truck:


21 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:02 pm

i'd like to see Grandy steal 3rd here...

22 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:03 pm

Ahh, third inning and FOX announcers are already talking about another sport. Yes, Congratulations Darrell Waltrip.

23 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:04 pm

[18] Make two bad throws to centerfield and call me in the morning.
Enough with the fucking sea gulls already. They're rather disgusting.
Yay, Robbie!

24 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:05 pm


now, let's cash these other 2...

25 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:05 pm

hit with a RISP! I approve.

26 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:05 pm

Yay Score Truck!! Where you been at?

27 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:06 pm

Beep Beep!


28 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:06 pm

Good, morally upright baseball by Swish!

29 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:08 pm

I don't know where Joe Morgan is right now but Timmy should be keeping him company.

30 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:09 pm

Come on Nuñez, at least turn the lineup over.

31 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:10 pm

a healthy martin, is a good thing for this club.

32 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:18 pm

aj threw a wild pitch? huh. how 'bout that...

33 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:20 pm

fuck you, do me!

34 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:28 pm

As I posted yesterday, Brett Gardner sure seems to get a lot of high strikes called against him.

35 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:39 pm

there's nothing morally virtuous about that...

36 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:39 pm


37 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:40 pm

rain delay in atlanta. yanks game now on fox. but i can barely watch. too much work to do... : /

38 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:47 pm

Morally virtuous strikeout. And now pitcher gets to lead off the next inning.

39 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:48 pm

aj has 8 k's in 4 innings.

40 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 5:52 pm

Is it me or are the Yankees playing kinda stooopid the last few games?

41 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:00 pm

11 baserunners in 5 innings, and we only have 2 runs?

42 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:01 pm

6 hits and 6 walks in five innings, yet the score is tied.

43 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:02 pm

[41] Hey, cut that out!

44 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:03 pm

[41] Look on the bright side: fortunately they are not relying on HRs.

45 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:05 pm

[40] it's almost like they don't know where their collective head is at.

46 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:07 pm

[44] Because home runs are morally ambiguous?

47 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:12 pm

[46] There's no ambiguity about it. They are selfish and, as we have learned from the likes of Michael Kay all season, you definitely don't want to be too dependent on them.

48 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:13 pm

Nicely turned

49 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:13 pm

nice flip, robbie!

50 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:14 pm

NIce touch by showing that historic Eric Karros HR in grainy black-and-white. Ruth, Karros, Dempster...this is what makes interleague play so great!

51 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:17 pm

Dammit...if Burnett had busted it down the line he would have been safe.

52 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:18 pm

I don't mind A.J. being out in that situation.

53 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:20 pm

[52] Yeah, I see what you mean, but I'd rather have the out back. In fact, had he gotten on, I would have been tempted to PR for him and go for the gusto this inning. In any case, "mute."

54 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:23 pm

Gardner's gonna send Dempster from the game one way or another.

55 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:23 pm


56 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:24 pm

OK, send Gardner with Nuñez on 3B? Or let Granderson do his thing with no funny business?

57 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:26 pm

[53] Hadn't thought of a p.r. but I think A.J.s pitching too well to take him out now.

58 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:26 pm

[56] No plays.

59 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:27 pm


60 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:28 pm

[57] I agree in general. But had he made it on base I would have been tempted to pull him for a PR given how hard runs have been to come by. Probably doesn't make sense, though.

Yay, Grandy. Good, clean, upright baseball.

61 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:29 pm

Good god.

62 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:31 pm

Yay, more brain dead base running!

63 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:33 pm

It's as if the spirit of Po has possessed half the team. Damn you Jorge, or should I call you Legion?

64 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:39 pm

I think it's time to face the fact that Nunez sucks.

65 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:40 pm


66 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:40 pm

damn, son. nunez really sucks with the glove.

67 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:40 pm

[64] Sucks? Yes. But sad? No way.

68 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:40 pm

Mo almighty. Make the play would ya, kid!

69 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:40 pm

What the fuck is up with this team lately?

70 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:40 pm

[64] hey. where were you at?

71 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:43 pm

[69] Regularly starting some subset of Jones, Nuñez, Peña and Cevelli is at least a partial answer.

72 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:44 pm


73 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:44 pm

Can't anybody play this game?

74 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:45 pm

[70] Doin' stuff.

75 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:45 pm

Robbie too?

I think this team needs to go back to spring training.

76 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:46 pm

{72] [73] Hm..I am on MLB.tv, still in commercial break. I have an ominous feeling that bad news is coming from the future.

77 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:47 pm

If only Wade or AJ had been able to induce a double play ball, we'd be out of this inning.

Oh, wait.

78 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:47 pm

hell fuckin' YEAH!!!

79 MDF   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Two reasons why I love listening to John Sterling and Suzyn Waldman.

1, Suzyn Waldman says that their "favorite Supreme Court Justice" -- Sonia Sotomayor -- is in the booth.

2. John Sterling says that the Yankees are running the bases as if they'd "stopped off and had a few drinks on their way to the stadium."

80 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:47 pm

What the deuce! This game is nutso.

81 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Wow. So, yes, somebody can still play the game. Two of 'em, in fact.

82 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:47 pm

Yes, nice to see that the Yankees aren't the only team making base running blunders.

83 Capital Yank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:48 pm

Gardy! What a play on both ends!

84 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:48 pm

Ahhh, but I reloaded in time to see Gardner gun down Peña!

BTW, I still hate the crush the catcher play. If you are out by 20 feet, you should not be allowed to slam into the catcher (IMO).

85 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:48 pm

[79] Aha! Is there a keg at third base?

86 Just Fair   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:49 pm

6:48 "You just can't predict baseball"
-John Sterling
Some things are quite predictable. : )

87 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:52 pm

[86] Wow, how ironic!

88 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:52 pm

Wait, so is Buck trying to tell me that starters can throw harder as relievers?

89 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:54 pm

[88] I have it muted, so I couldn't tell you.

90 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:58 pm

[89] me, too.

91 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:59 pm

[88] [89] Oh, sorry, I meant, "I muted it". "Have it muted" isn't exactly passive voice, is it? Maybe middle voice, if English has such a thing.

92 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 6:59 pm

[89] Well, as best as I can tell, Carpenter is being groomed for the "possible future closer" role, otherwise known as the EIGHTH INNING GUY (or, sometimes the seventh inning guy). In other words, the most important player on the team.

93 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:04 pm

[91] I think the construction is related to the causative have/get.

94 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:04 pm

[92] I bet when Carpenter won the Cy Young, he was thinking, "Now maybe everyone will notice me and some day I can be an EIG!"

95 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:06 pm

[93] No doubt. But 'muted' is the past participle. It has the feel of the passive voice.

I feel this past month demonstrates why it's stupid to pay a lot of money for a non-Mo relief pitcher, by the way.

96 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:06 pm

[94] Well, as Buck and McCarver exclaimed, he did hit 100 MPH ON THE RADAR GUN as a reliever:


97 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:09 pm

[95] Most causative have/get constructions are passive-y: "I got my car fixed" (by whom?). But in this case you were clearly the agent.

Also remember, while the English past participle is passive (as it is in Latin), it can be used to make active voice past tense verbs. So worry not!

98 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:11 pm

The Chessmaster.

99 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:11 pm

Would you consider walking Posada just to get him on the basepaths?

100 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:11 pm

[99] I am joking. Sort of.

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101 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:14 pm

Hmmm...Perhaps Mike Quade is also a Chessmaster?

102 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:14 pm

[97] Good, that's it. (But as I have argued, it's just a mistake to think that the passive voice invariably obscures agency.)

103 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:15 pm

Is the pitcher for the Cubs the former ND WR? I lost track of him once he went into the MiL.

104 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:16 pm

[101] If so, he's playing right into our hands, bwah hah hah hah!

105 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:18 pm

[102] It ALWAYS obscures agency, by its very nature. The only way to avoid this is by adding an instrumental construction (X was done by Y), or when the context is extremely suggestive. This is less often than one thinks. Trust me, I read a few hundred undergrad papers a year.

106 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:18 pm

That's it, I just thought of who Russell Martin looks like! It's been bugging me.

Ray Liotta!

107 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:20 pm

[105] Ah, so it always obscures agency except when it doesn't!

I agree.

108 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:20 pm

Hm. Granderson didn't try to hit a HR and just made contact (good), but he managed only a short fly ball and failed to get the runner in from third with less than two outs (bad). Where does that rate on the Baseball Morality Scale?

109 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:22 pm

Of course we don't score.

110 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:22 pm

[107] That's not what I said. The construction ALWAYS obscures agency because the agent is not part of the sentence. It necessitates outside constructions to indicate agency. This is not the case with active voice constructions with MUST include the agent (subject).

111 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:23 pm

[108] Oh, it was definitely a moral victory.

112 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:24 pm

Is it moral to waste all these scoring opportunities?

113 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:24 pm

[111] Phew. That's good!

114 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:25 pm

[110] No, that's false. You explained yourself how the agent is often denoted inside the sentence. And this is incredibly common in English. "The agent was included by monkeypants."

It is also not true that active voice must include the agent. For example, "The patient is having an operation."

115 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:26 pm

[112] Irrelevant. What matters is the approach.

116 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:29 pm

I love the look on D-Rob's face.

117 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:30 pm


118 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:30 pm

[103] yes, it is him.

[106] i can kinda see that.

119 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:30 pm

Yes, sit down, you slob. Awesome. Better than beaning him.

120 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:31 pm

lester gave up 2 solo homers in the top of the 1st (weeks & hart, 2 players i dig).

i guess that means the shit sox will win 174-2.

121 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:31 pm

[118] I know, it's not super-close. Somewhat idiosyncratic, probably. (My sister is here and she agreed, although she could not think of who he looked like until I screamed "Ray Liotta!")

122 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:32 pm

[119] easy now.

123 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:33 pm

[114] is monkeypants a supervisory special agent? or, perhaps just a drying agent? we can use one of those here in rainlanta.

124 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:34 pm

[121] turns out i have a 1st cousin that is halfway thru a certain ivy league school in your state...

125 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:34 pm

[122] D-Rob gets me psyched up.

126 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:36 pm

dammit. i would really like some geico runs here...

127 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:36 pm

[123] Could be -- his academic mission in Germany is just a cover, maybe...
[124] No way! I, uh... might know this person.

128 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:36 pm

[125] understandable.

129 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:38 pm

[114] Nope. The passive construction by itself requires no agent: X was Yed. The active construction on the other hand requires an agent: X Yed.

In order to show agency, then, you need to add another construction to the passive sentence. Thus, the passive voice inherently obscures agency.

Now you are correct that many writers and speakers compensate by adding additional instrumental constructions (as you do in your example), but this only underscores the built-in obscurity of the passive voice. So wordy and clunky. Why write the" The agent was included by monkeypants" when "Monkeypants included the agent" does the job more crisply? (That was a rhetorical question...a topic for another day!)

Your counter example also is flawed: the patient is the agent. He is the one having the operation. Now, if you wish to emphasize the surgeon, you need to change the verb: The surgeon operated on the patient. But that's a different sentence altogether. However, it is granted (ooh, note how I obscured my own concession by using an impersonal construction) that the causative have/get construction (and related have/get uses) are weaker active voice constructions.

130 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:38 pm

That was hysterical.
Oh, you're not watching, thelarmis, right?
Rob doubled through a flock of sea gulls. Very surreal.

131 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:40 pm

[127] yes, it's true. i'm not a huge fan. i saw his parents & sister at my nephew's bar mitzvah in queens last week. i guess he's my 1st cousin, once removed. his mom is my 1st cousin...

last time i saw him was a little over 2 years ago for my grandpa's funeral. i was a mess. i guess he started school soon thereafter. his dad, who married into the family and is cool, is an alum of this certain educational institution that is named after a crappy color...

132 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:41 pm

[123][127] Well, I could tell you my real mission, but then you would have to be killed (in the passive voice).

133 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:42 pm

[129] i am working on a lot of instrumental constructions. i've recently released an album's worth of material and will finish up another pretty soon. the rest is still being constructed...

134 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:43 pm

[130] not at the moment, no. i had it "muted/on mute/no sound/moot" before, with my back turned to the screen, whilst charting songs. now, i'm rushing thru dinner in the kitchen (no tv), so i can get to my gig on time and change my heads. following online. i could run into the den if something cool happens. game's still on in there...

135 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:45 pm


136 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:46 pm


137 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:47 pm

Yay! (even with an out on the bases).

138 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:47 pm

damn you, Henry Hill!

139 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:48 pm

wait. what? it said martin fouled out. now, it's a commercial break. still 3-1.

of course, the goddman fucking shit sox tied the game. bollocks.

wha happened w/ us?!

140 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:48 pm

[129] The passive construction does not require an agent, but that's not what you said. You said the agent is not part of the sentence. But that's false. Sometimes the agent appears in a passive voice sentence.
As to active construction: you are mistaking agency, which is a feature of the world, for something that is a feature of a sentence. When a patient has an operation, the patient is not an agent. (That's why we use the word 'patient'!) The patient was unconscious when he had the operation, so he was definitely not an agent. (Compare "My Mustang was in the shop having it's oil changed." I hope you won't seriously claim that my Mustang is an agent.)

There are often good reasons to prefer a passive construction. For one thing, passive construction often highlights agency. E.g., "The patient was murdered by his own doctor!"
And sometimes it's almost unavoidable. E.g., "Each cub scout was congratulated by his mother." An active voice equivalent would be very awkward.

141 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:49 pm

Now the catching spirit of Po has possessed Martin!

142 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:49 pm

[139] Martin did foul out, but then Nunez looped one in the gap. Swish was thrown out trying to score from first.

143 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:49 pm

ok, nunez got a hit. swish thrown out.

i'm caught up now.

Mo please!

144 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:51 pm

motherfucking FOX. i go to the den to watch Mo. late for gig, be damned.

and it's back to the damn braves game.


145 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:52 pm

Don't like this.

146 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:52 pm

lester gives up another solo shot...and the lead.

i guess the shit sox will have to win 781-3.

147 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:52 pm

Fuck off Joe, you nearly gave me a heart attack.

148 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:52 pm

oh no. maybe it's good i can't see it live.

good thing for the geico run...

c'mon Mr. Mo!!!

149 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:53 pm

Don't like this more.

150 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:53 pm

Thelarmis, you missed Buck inform us that Reed Johnson had tied the game with his solo homer.

151 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:53 pm

jesus. if sori steals his 1st base of the year now, i'm gonna...

152 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:54 pm

[140] Of course there are times when, stylistically, the passive voice is preferred. But more often than not this is not the case. And in my experience, the construction very often obscures agency, and not infrequently on purpose.

Meanwhile, Mo is getting hit.

153 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:54 pm

Now I feel much, much better.

154 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:54 pm

[150] wishful thinking for that no-good little fucker. i wish he'd sit out, with the football season...

155 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:55 pm

[152] He is getting hit by the Cubs.

156 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:55 pm

[150] Yeah, Buck was really, really excited there for a moment. But then a little sad when someone reminded him that the score was 4-3.

157 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:55 pm

Fuck yes.

158 thelarmis   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:56 pm


night all. see youze tomorrow, at.

159 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:56 pm

[155] I didn't say that!

160 rbj   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:56 pm

Yes. Phew. Yankees win!

161 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:56 pm

[154] Wishful thinking plus stupidity plus general obliviousness.

[156] A little sad -- I bet he was thinking about Jeter. I know I was.

162 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:57 pm

Why was Girardi jawing with the ump? Maybe he was seeing if he was OK after Mo's first pitch?

163 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 7:58 pm

[161] Nuñez made me sad today, but then he made me happy by driving in the (eventual) winning run. Jeter just makes me sad.

164 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 8:05 pm

[163] Nuñez doesn't make me too sad, because his tilde looks like a little mustache, and it's funny.

165 monkeypants   ~  Jun 18, 2011 8:07 pm

[164] Excellent point. Little mustaches are always funny! Well, nearly always funny---maybe not so much here in Germany. Nevertheless, another sharp observation on your part!

OK, it's super-late here and I have to get up early tomorrow. G'night all.

166 RIYank   ~  Jun 18, 2011 8:09 pm

Gute nacht.

Wow, Lester is getting pounded. I'm going to watch that.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver