"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Art of the Night

Morning Art

Picture by Nonna Gorunova via the so-so def tumblr site, Zeroing.

Afternoon Art

There’s a show of Diebenkorn prints at the Greenberg Van Doren Gallery on 5th avenue through the end of June.


Morning Art

The New Classics: Say Cheese.

[Image via: Design You Trust]

Morning Art

Photographs by Ernst Haas.

[Via Je Suis Perdu]

Afternoon Art

[Reblogged from Brain Dead]

Morning Art

Mural by AROE Via Fresh n Good.

An even better image.

Afternoon Art


[Paintings by Paul W Ruiz]

Morning Art

Paintings by Michael Peck.

Afternoon Art


[Drawing of the Dominican Dandy posted at Josh Powell’s tumblr site; found via Pitchers n Poets]

Afternoon Art

Map Quest.

Course of Empire (Mixmaster 1), 2003, Matthew Cusick.

Dig these paintings by Matthew Cusick

Morning Art

William Eggleston.

Afternoon Art


Morning Art

Photos by Jerry Schatzberg

at Everyday I Show.


Afternoon Art

Grand Central Station by Bags.

Morning Art

Dig the fantastic work

of Francis Wolff

…over at Everyday I Show. This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in some time.

Afternoon Art

“Untitled 51,” By Richard Diebenkorn (early 1950s)

Afternoon Art

This one here is a favorite.

“Girl and Three Coffee Cups,” By Richard Diebenkorn (1957)

Afternoon Art

“Untitled Drawing” By Richard Diebenkorn (1962)

Morning Art

“View of Notre-Dame,” By Henri Matisse (1914)

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver