"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Art of the Night

Afternoon Art

“463,” By Saul Leiter (1956)

Afternoon Art

Saul Leiter. 1958

Morning Art

A Guitar. Drawing by Pablo Picasso (1912?)

Morning Art

“Interior with a Book,” By Richard Diebenkorn (1959)


Morning Art

More Moebius

May he rest in peace.

Morning Art


Morning Art

Moebius does Marvel.


Morning Art


Morning Art

R.I.P. Moebius.

Morning Art

Print by Anonymous Ink & Idea.

Morning Art

Bags’ Groove.

And this beauty from Smile-It Makes Your Face Happy.


Now Voyager

Check out the pictures and videos on this cool site by Ian Coyle called Edits Quarterly.

Florence × Edits from Ian Coyle on Vimeo.

Afternoon Art

Milo Manara.

Morning Art

“Still Life with Lemons, Oranges, and a Rose,” by Francisco de Zurbaran (1633)


You can see this gorgeous painting–reproductions don’t do it justice–at the Frick.


New York Minute



Louis Stettner

You’re Welcome.

Afternoon Art

[Photograph by Reka Nyari]

Afternoon Art

Peep this gallery of MAD magazine covers, 1952-55 from the wunnerful peoples at How to Be a Retronaut.

Afternoon Art

Comic book


via: 1979 Semi-Finalist

a most-cool site.

Afternoon Art

Paintings by Dave Choate.

Morning Art

Check out these fine pictures of New York City by Edi Weitz (for a comprehensive look at his work, click here):

And dig his cool-ass  site: Almost…

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver