"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Art of the Night

Afternoon Art


[Picture by Uros Begovic]

Afternoon Art

Untitled by Morris Barazani (1965)

Afternoon Art

“Babe Ruth” By William Auerbach-Levy (Via MrBrnMkg)

Afternoon Art

[Photo Credit: Nina Ai-Artyan]

Afternoon Art

“My Daddy’s Gun,” Print by Emory Douglas

Afternoon Art

Picture by Carole Bremaud

Afternoon Art

Nice Gams.

[Photo Credit: Gamini Kumara]

Morning Art

“Two Children Are Threatened by a Nightingale,” Max Ernst (1924)

Morning Art

The Great One: R. Crumb

Morning Art

“Yuki Onna” Digital Painting by Charlie Terrell

Afternoon Art

Two photographs by Man Ray.

Afternoon Art

Edible Art.

Rothko Cookies

Mondrian Cake

[Photo Credits: Mimi O Chun and Through My Blue Eyes]


Afternoon Art

Jim Steranko

[Image via Whiz Bang Pow]


Afternoon Art


“Office in a Small City”

By Edward Hopper (1953)


Afternoon Art

“New York Pavements,” By Edward Hopper (1924)

Afternoon Art

“From Williamsburg Bridge,” By Edward Hopper (1928)

Morning Art

“Hotel Room,” By Edward Hopper (1931)

Morning Art

[Picture by Tatsuro Kiuchi]

Morning Art

Giorgio Morandi, Still Life (1951 and 1953)


Morning Art

“Seated Woman,” By Richard Diebenkorn (1963)

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver