"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Art of the Night

Big Sexy

Penelope Cruz.

[Picture by Cass Bird]

Big Sexy

Man, when I was in high school I had the biggest crush on Michelle Pfieffer. Beautiful, funny and talented. This photo gallery takes me back.


Float like a Butterfly

R.I.P. Jerome Liebling. He will be missed.

Butterfly Boy, 1949.

Afternoon Art

Josef Hoflehner: Photographer.

Gorgeous stuff.

Morning Art

Dig this bitchin’ gallery of book cover art by Robert McGinnis.

Afternoon Art

Dig these cool Raymond Chandler book covers by Tom Adams over at Scott Dutton’s most excellent blog.

Morning Art

Pictures by Thomas Ehrestsman.

Grand Master

"Reflection with Two Children" (1965)

Lucian Freud, one of the great painters of our time, died yesterday.

Lying by the Rags (1989-90)

He was 88.

Freud’s work is stunning.

"Benefits Supervisor Sleeping" (1995)

He painted the human figure like nobody else and was an artist who got better with age.

"Double Portrait" (1985-86)

"Reflection...self-portait" (1985)

Rest in Peace.

Morning Art

It’s brutally hot in New York. Keep cool.

[Photograph by Cereal-Killer 72]

Afternoon Art

The Tate.

[Picture via Hebdomania]

Afternoon Art

Drawings by Ricardo Fumanal.

Morning Art

Louis had skills. These are his collages.

Afternoon Art

Richard Phillips

Afternoon Art


Morning Art

Too keep you kool…

[Paintings by Eric Zener, via This, That, Also & Etc.]

Morning Art

Taken by my uncle, on vacation in Barcelona.

Morning Art

A young Richard Diebenkorn channels Edward Hopper

Afternoon Art

“Watermelon Slices,” By Wayne Thiebaud (1961)

Afternoon Art

Rest in Peace, Cy Twombly:

Big Sexy

“Naduah” Digital Painting By Charlie Terrell

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver