"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Photography

Morning Art

“Red Sun Rising” By Bleed Clarity [Via Beneath Your Soul]

Morning Art

Photograph by Holly Wilmeth/Aurora Photos via National Geographic.

Morning Art

Marlena Szoka photographed by Jam for Flair Austria, June 2012. Photo Via Gas Station.

Morning Art

[Photo Credit: Where Are You Goinggg]

Morning Art

Magic Hour in New York City. Picture by Bags.

Morning Art

Picture via Elevated Encouragement.

Morning Art

In Living Color. Nifty redesign by John Turney over at Uni Watch.

Morning Art

Photograph by Yukino Iwatsuki.

Morning Art

Photographs by Ernst Haas.

[Via Je Suis Perdu]

Morning Art

William Eggleston.

Morning Art

Photos by Jerry Schatzberg

at Everyday I Show.


Afternoon Art

Grand Central Station by Bags.

Morning Art

Dig the fantastic work

of Francis Wolff

…over at Everyday I Show. This is one of the most beautiful things I’ve seen in some time.

Afternoon Art

“Taxi” by Saul Leiter (1957)

Morning Art

“Movie Poster” by Walker Evans (1930)

Art of the Night

Another sure shot from Saul Leiter.

Afternoon Art

“Lanesville,” By Saul Leiter (1958)

Afternoon Art

“463,” By Saul Leiter (1956)

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver