"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Photography

Afternoon Art

Saul Leiter. 1958

Morning Art

Bags’ Groove.

And this beauty from Smile-It Makes Your Face Happy.


Now Voyager

Check out the pictures and videos on this cool site by Ian Coyle called Edits Quarterly.

Florence × Edits from Ian Coyle on Vimeo.

New York Minute



Louis Stettner

You’re Welcome.

Afternoon Art

[Photograph by Reka Nyari]

Morning Art

Check out these fine pictures of New York City by Edi Weitz (for a comprehensive look at his work, click here):

And dig his cool-ass  site: Almost…

Afternoon Art

Check out these cool pictures

by Larissa Zhou.

Morning Art

Anton’s books and Corredor Verde by Andrew Moore. Part of his beautiful Cuba series.

Morning Art

The Kid Stays in the Picture.

Street shot by our man Bags.

Morning Art

It’s Blue Note album cover week.

Afternoon Art

Photograph, found via Facebook, by Allegra Ruzic.

Afternoon Art

[Photo Credit: Nina Ai-Artyan]

Afternoon Art

Nice Gams.

[Photo Credit: Gamini Kumara]

Afternoon Art

Two photographs by Man Ray.

Morning Art


Still from the movie, Le Retour à la Raison (Return to Reason), directed by Man Ray.

Morning Art

Joe Martz’s photo of his George Brett action figure.

I love this shot.  Reminds me of how much I hated Brett, with the utmost respect, when he was a player. Guy killed the Yankees and was a dick about it, too. Ah, the good ol’ days.

Morning Art


Check out this terrific gallery of New York City photographs…

by Dave Beckerman

over at Everyday I Show.

Afternoon Art

Photographs by Janine Niepce over at Everyday I Show.

Big Sexy

Not long ago I was thinking about the first crush I had on a TV or movie star. Linda Carter, Bo Derek, and Catherine Bach all came to mind. Valerie Bertinelli, Ann Jillian, and Deborah Harry, too. Then it hit me: It was Julie Newmar as Catwoman. I used to watch Batman in syndication during the afternoon. Must have been four or five years old. Catwoman was always messing with Batman’s head, dressed in that tight outfit, getting all close to him and whispering in his ear, ready to pounce. Yup, Julie Newmar was dangerous, the first sex symbol I fell in lust with.

Say Omelette Du Fromage

Celebrities by Norman Seeff over at Everyday I Show.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver