Never quit.
Mary Mary Mary Jane.
[Picture by Christophe Blain]
Hey Love.
[Photograph by Nirav Patel]
Kind of Blue.
[Painting by Patsy Mcarthur]
First Batter Up:
[Photo Credit: Minus Manhattan]
Drink a lot of soda so they call me Doctor Pepper.
[Photograph by Gjon Mili, 1943]
[Picture by Bags]
So don’t front, Jack.
Welcome to April:
[Photo Credit: Joel Zimmer]
Opening Day Blues.
[Photo Via: This Isn’t Happiness]
Thirty years ago today, RUN-DMC’s first album dropped.
Happy Birthday, Diana Ross.
[Photo Credit: Bruce Davidson]
Grant Green Monday:
[Photo Credit: John Ciamillo]
Finally Friday.
Is it spring yet?
[Picture by Natasja Maria Fourie via MPD]
Two very different records about Piggies.
[Illustration via: House of Ismay]
The Killer:
Number 9, Number 9, Number 9:
Painting by Stefan Caltia.
Old-School Banter Scroll
Tonight RHP Ivan Nova (6-9, 4.87) vs. LHP Eduardo Rodriguez (9-6, 3.97) 7:05 p.m., YES Network
Tuesday TBA vs. RHP Rick Porcello (8-14, 5.04) 7:05 p.m., YES Network and ESPN
Wednesday TBA vs. LHP Wade Miley (11-11, 4.39) 7:05 p.m., YES Network
Thursday TBA vs. LHP Rich Hill (2-0, 1.17) 7:05 p.m., YES Network
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