"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Beat of the Day

Saturdazed Soul

“Hotter Than That”–Louis Armstrong

[Photo Via: The Minimalisto]

Beat of the Day


[Photo Credit: Hilda Grahnat]

Beat of the Day


[Photo Credit: ]

Beat of the Day

“Long Island Degrees”–De La Soul

[Photo Via: Film is God]

Beat of the Day


[Photo Via: Bygone America]

Beat of the Day


[Photo Credit: Joakim Eskildsen]

Beat of the Day

Cool Out:

[Painting by Antoni Tapies]

Beat of the Day


[Photo Credit: Hollie Fernando]

Beasts of the Day


Via Kottke, The Beastles.

Beat of the Day


[Featured Image by Elizabeth Schreiber]

Beat of the Day

The Master, Clifford Brown:

Beat of the Day

A friend tells me that Charles Ives wrote his Second Symphony while commuting from Danbury to NYC and back on the train to and from his insurance job. Could be apocryphal.

Beat of the Day

“Still Life with Dutch Jar and Bust of Dante” by William Harnett (1884)


Saturdazed Soul

“Sweet And Slow”–Fats Waller

[Photo Credit: Jamie Livingston via Kateoplis]

Saturdazed Soul


[Photo Via: Film is God]

Beat of the Day

“Youthful Expression”–Tribe

[Photo Via: The Absolute Best Photography]

Beat of the Day

Schooling with Oscar Peterson.

Beat of the Day

No lie.

[Photo Credit: Lovely Derriere]

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver