"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Beat of the Day

Saturdazed Soul

“Ralph’s New Blues”–Modern Jazz Quartet

[Photo Via: Goldeau]

Beat of the Day

Oh, hear the word of the Lord! [Photo Credit: Mario Testino]

Beat of the Day

The B Side.

Beat of the Day

Oops, I didn’t mean to

[Photo Credit: Osma Harvilahti via MPD]

Beat of the Day


 “I Got A Love”–Pete Rock and C.L. Smooth

[Photograph by Matt Molloy]

Sundazed Soul

“Express Yourself”–Leroy Sibbles

[Photo Credit:Jakub Karwowski via Zero]

Beat of the Day

Hard to imagine it’s been three years since Guru passed away. Now, he’s gone but still, it’s mostly the voice…

Beat of the Day

Sure shot record for the ladies.

[Photo Via: Honey-Rider]

Beat of the Day

Grand Groove.

Beat of the Day

You’ve gotta have…Eddie Layton.

Beat of the Day

Gearin’ up for the week…

[Photo Credit: TW Collins]

Saturdazed Soul

“S’posin'”–Fats Waller

[Picture Via: Aberrant Beauty]

Beat of the Day


Beat of the Day

Put the needle to the groove.

Beat of the Day

Take that Kangol off.

[Photo Via: -Circa]

Beat of the Day

Happy 49th, Biz.

Sundazed Soul


Kick the Bobo.

[Photo Credit: Gary Land]

Saturdazed Soul

It’s in the air.

[Photo Via: This Isn’t Happiness]

Beat of the Day


Beat of the Day

Coolin’ with Milt.

[Painting by James Rieck]

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver