"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Beat of the Day

Beat of the Day

Get Down with the Get Down.

[Image Via: Pleasure Photo by way of This Isn’t Happiness]

Beat of the Day

Coolin’ with Cal.

[Photo Via: Airows]

Beat of the Day

And the remix.

[Featured Image Via: It’s a Long Season]

Beat of the Day

Byrd in Hand.

[Image Via: mOrtality]

Beat of the Day



Beat of the Day

The Queen.

Beat of the Day

Gather round.

[Photo Credit: James Stoker]

Beat of the Day

Pick up a book and read now I’m wise.

[Picture by Bags]

Saturdazed Soul


Gone but not forgotten…

[Photo Via: Dream Landscapes]

Beat of the Day

A fuggin Men.

Beat of the Day

Gettin’ There…

[Painting by Georgia O’Keefe]

Bad Ass

This is just the fuggin’ greatest.

Beat of the Day

Feelin’ this today.

[Picture by Susan Hable]

Beat of The Day

Don’t Know Why I’m Even Botherin’…

[Image By Nacho Ormaechea]

Beat of the Day

No One Else it Seems, Ever Shared My Dreams…

[Photograph by Julia Hetta]

Beat of the Day

Pipe Dream.

[Photo Via: Sita McVay]

Beat of the Day

Don’t you worry, weather’s fine.

[Photo Credit: Aberrant Beauty]

Beat of the Day

Monday Morning Clash.

[Painting by Damian Loeb]

Beat of the Day

Lucy, I remember Lucy…

[Image Via: Immagini]

Beat of the Day

After the past two days (here and here) and 60 records,  I can’t believe we missed this one.

Duck, Alert.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver