"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Beat of the Day

Beat of the Day


I want to fly.

[Photo Via: Kateopolis]

Beat of the Day


This one brings me back. A cousin from Belgium visited the summer it came out. She bought the record and my sister, brother and I listened to it until there were a few scratches. Our cousin got so pissed that she bought a new one. But we were happy because, after all, what are a few skips? I can’t even tell you that I like this song. It doesn’t matter because it is so evocative that I can’t hear it without remembering where I was the summer it was released.

[Picture by Andre Juillard via This Isn’t Happiness]

Sundazed Soul

Processed with VSCOcam with m5 preset

Sunday Schmeer.

[Photo Credit: The Food Gays]

Beat of the Day


D’s back.

I worked on a movie called Belly that he did a track for. I remember him coming by a screening room, really short dude. He and his boy kept sneaking off to the stairwell to smoke an L.

Beat of the Day


Still diggin’…the low end theory.

[Photo Credit: Joel Levinson]

Beat of the Day


Picture by Bags.

Beat of the Day


My favorite Christmas tune:

[Photo Credit: Ned Hepburn]

Beat of the Day


Sir Duke.

Picture by Bags. 

Beat of the Day


Monday Groove:

[Photo Via: r2d2]

Beat of the Day


Let, let me in.

[Photo Via: The Indifference]

Beat of the Day


[Photo Via]

Beat of the Day


Stretch Boogie talks cassette culture…

Beat of the Day


Grand groove.

Picture by Bags.

Beat of the Day


Thanks to our pal Matt B for pointing out Eric Clapton’s favorite guitar solo.

[Photo Credit: Stephen Paley]

Beat of the Day


The gentle side…

[Photo Credit: Joe Banasiak]

Beat of the Day

SI-110_SPOT-SCAN-RAW-082 002

Dumb Fun on a Monday afternoon:

[Photo Credit: Spot]

Sundazed Soul


Cold one here in New York.

[Picture by John Held Jr]



Coolin’ with Jorge Ben.

[Photo Credit: Paul-Louis Roubert via MPD]

Beat of the Day


…Through the fire…

Photo Via: This Isn’t Happiness]

Beat of the Day


You mean she?


[Photo Via: This Isn’t Happiness]

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver