"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: Documentaries

Million Dollar Movie


Cinephilia and Beyond knows the score. 

Million Dollar Movie

Tonight on HBO.

Out My Window


Katerina Cizek’s Out My Window project is seriously dope. 

See for yourself.

Million Dollar Movie


From Black Book:

“It’s been a favorite feeling in my whole life to be able to communicate without talking,” Harry Dean Stanton once said. “Communicating in silence in a powerful thing.”

Million Dollar Movie


From Cinephilia and Beyond, another sure shot.

Million Dollar Movie


That’s Life.

Million Dollar Movie


A new documentary on J.D. Salinger claims more Salinger books are coming:

But a forthcoming documentary and related book, both titled “Salinger,” include detailed assertions that Mr. Salinger instructed his estate to publish at least five additional books — some of them entirely new, some extending past work — in a sequence that he intended to begin as early as 2015.

The new books and stories were largely written before Mr. Salinger assigned his output to a trust in 2008, and would greatly expand the Salinger legacy.

One collection, to be called “The Family Glass,” would add five new stories to an assembly of previously published stories about the fictional Glass family, which figured in Mr. Salinger’s “Franny and Zooey” and elsewhere, according to the claims, which surfaced in interviews and previews of the documentary and book last week.

Another would include a retooled version of a publicly known but unpublished tale, “The Last and Best of the Peter Pans,” which is to be collected with new stories and existing work about the fictional Caulfields, including “Catcher in the Rye.” The new works are said to include a story-filled “manual” of the Vedanta religious philosophy, with which Mr. Salinger was deeply involved; a novel set during World War II and based on his first marriage; and a novella modeled on his own war experiences.

Here’s the trailer:

Million Dollar Movie


Check out this cool post by Nick Schager over at Esquire.com on Drew Struzan:

Drew Struzan is responsible for some of the most enduring cinematic imagery of the past thirty years, even if few fans recognize his name. That should be partially rectified by this week’s release of Struzan: The Man Behind the Poster, a documentary that pays tribute to the famed movie-poster artist, whose illustrated one-sheets for Star Wars, Indiana Jones, Back to the Future, Harry Potter, and countless other film franchises are both instantly recognizable and beloved. Hand-painted and marked by photorealistic portraits and signature scenes in evocative montages, Struzan’s work remains the standard to which most action, fantasy, and sci-fi posters aspire, conveying emotion and excitement with a compelling style far superior to the modern era’s Photoshopped-to-death posters. In honor of his prolific and peerless career, we present a look back at thirteen of his most compelling creations.



And please dig Struzan’s website. 



lonely guy

johnny dangerously


Million Dollar Movie

Over at Jeremiah’s Vanishing New York, check out this post on Jonathan Hertzberg’s NYC movie collage:



This looks cool, a documentary about Larry McMurty’s book auction last summer.

[Photo Credit: Fort Worth Star-Telegram/Associated Press]

Once Upon a Time in New York…

Great documentary.

Million Dollar Movie

Found over at Kottke, Bert Haanstra’s Academy Award-winning 1959 documentary short.

Million Dollar Movie

This looks terrific.

Million Dollar Movie

I remember when this aired, shot while Scorsese was cutting Wise Guy (Good Fellas) in the Brill Building.

Million Dollar Movie

Over at Messy Nessy Chic here’s more on Vivian Maier.

Can’t wait for the movie

Million Dollar Movie

My goodness, everything about this looks wonderful.

Million Dollar Movie

Oh, baby. Please, yes.

Photograph by Kate Joyce. Oh my, she’s just tremendous.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver