"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Category: NYC History

New York Minute

Don’t get it twisted.

New York Minute

Over at Retronaut, dig NYC circa 1900: In Living Colorization.

New York Minute

Baseball and the city via Ephemeral New York.

[Photo Credit: New York Times]

New York Minute

From the Atlantic...

New York Minute

From Charles Simic:

No city displays its mixture of beauty and ugliness as brazenly as New York does. It’s one thing to see a city with cathedrals and other church towers from an approaching train as one does in Europe and another to see Manhattan with buildings of every size thrown together more or less haphazardly and its streets packed with humanity all coming into view simultaneously. I still can’t believe my eyes every time I see it.

[Photo Credit: A crowd watching the news line on the Times building at Times Square, NYC, on D-day, June 6, 1944. Large-format nitrate negative by Howard Hollem or Edward Meyer, Office of War Information…via New York History]

New York Minute

Check out this site: Old New York Stories.

[Photo Credit: Mark Kalan]

New York Minute

[Featured Image (by Frank Horvat) and Video Via Retro New York]

New York Minute


Peep this: Sites of Memory.

[Photo Credit: Retro New York]

New York Minute

This is the coolest thing I’ve seen in a minute. Dan Weeks, you rule.

Thanks to Matt B for sending the link.

New York Minute

Way out in Brooklyn…

Those who come from Brooklyn know just what I’m talkin’…

How to Be a Retronaut. Again and again.

New York Minute

Another killer photo gallery

from How To Be a Retronaut.

New York Minute

You must check out the site:

Retro New York

It’s killer diller.


New York Minute

Perhaps in anticipation of a new movie version of “The Great Gatsby” dig this photo gallery over at Gothamist.

New York Minute

Please go here. Much fun if you have a spare hour or three.

New York Minute

Yo, if you haven’t seen this dope site: NYC Corners, well, get going.


p.s. My brother, sister and I spent many hours in this greasy spoon with our old man when we were kids.

New York Minute

How to Be a Retronaut has a photo gallery of New York from the year I was born.

Pictures by Gentle***Giant.

New York Minute

I know I’ve brought the Gookie up before but it’s worth mentioning again.

From “Harpo Speaks!”:

The man who first inspired me to become an actor was a guy called Gookie. Gookie had nothing to do with the theatre. He rolled cigars in the window of a cigar store on Lexington Avenue.

This was the store with card games and bookmaking in the back room, the nearest thing to a social club in our neighborhood. It was Frenchie’s home away from home and, along with the poolroom, Chico’s too. Since gambling was never the obsession with me that it was with Chico, I didn’t spend much time in the back room. Where I had the most fun was on the street, in front of the store.

Gookie worked at a low table, facing the Avenue through the window. He was a lumpy little man with a complexion like the leaves he used for cigar wrappers, as if he’d turned that color from overexposure to tobacco. He always wore a dirty, striped shirt without a collar, and leather cuffs and elastic armbands. Whether he was at his table in the window or running errands for the cardplayers, Gookie was forever grunting and muttering to himself. He never smiled.

Gookie was funny enough to look at when he wasn’t working, but when he got up to full speed rolling cigars he was something to see. It was a marvel how fast his stubby fingers could move. And when he got going good he was completely lost in his work, so absorbed that he had no idea what a comic face he was making. His tongue lolled out in a fat roll, his cheeks puffed out, and his eyes popped out and crossed themselves.

I used to stand there and practice imitating Gookie’s look for fifteen, twenty minutes at a time, using the window glass as a mirror. He was too hypnotized by his own work to notice me. Then one day I decided I had him down perfect–tongue, cheeks, eyes, the whole bit.

I rapped on the window. When he looked up I yelled, “Gookie! Gookie!” and made the face. It must have been pretty good because he got sore as hell and began shaking his fist and cursing at me. I threw him the face again. I stuck my thumbs in my ears and waggled my fingers, and this really got him. Gookie barreled out of the store and chased me down the Avenue. It wasn’t hard to outrun such a pudgy little guy. But I’ll give Gookie credit. He never gave up on trying to catch me whenever I did the face through the window.

It got to be a regular show. Sometimes the guy behind the cigar store counter would tip off the cardplayers that I was giving Gookie the works out front. When they watched the performance from the back-room door and he heard them laughing, Gookie would get madder than ever.

For the first time, at the age of twelve, I had a reputation. Even Chico began to respect me. Chico liked to show me off when somebody new turned up in the poolroom. He would tell the stranger, “Shake hands with my brother here. He’s the smartest kid in the neighborhood.” When the guy put out his hand I’d throw him a Gookie. It always broke up the poolroom.

I didn’t know it, but I was becoming an actor. A character was being born in front of the cigar-store window, the character who was eventually to take me a long ways from the streets of the East side.

Over the years, in every comedy act or movie I ever worked in, I’ve “thrown a Gookie” at least once. It wasn’t always planned, especially in our early vaudeville days. If we felt the audience slipping away, fidgeting and scraping their feet through our jokes, Groucho or Chico would whisper in panic, “Ssssssssssst! Throw me a Gookie!” The fact that it seldom failed to get a laugh is quite a tribute to the original possessor of the face.

The little cigar roller was possibly the best straight man I ever had. He was certainly the straightest straight man. If Gookie had broken up or even smiled just once, my first act would have been a flop and the rest of my life might not have been much to write a book about.

New York Minute

The Museum of the City of New York gives us: Stanley on the Train.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver