Alex Belth |
April 15, 2016 5:35 pm |
It was just an absolutely gorgeous spring day in New York. I hung out with my mom, down from Vermont and thrilled to see any king of green. We walked up Riverside Drive on the Upper West Side, where we lived 40 years ago, and she remarked how different the neighborhood is today—flower beds all over the place, community gardens. In the seventies there was a lot of garbage—parents had to scoop the doo doc out of the sandbox before we went in to play. Anyhow, she is a person who belongs in the garden, thrives outdoors, and it is still gray where she lives, so she was just so happy to be out and I was happy to be out with her.
Luis Severino goes against the Mariners at the Stadium tonight. Should be a fine weekend for ball. Be nice to see Robbie Cano.
Never mind the pollen:
Let’s Go Yank-ees!