"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Tag: afternoon art

Morning Art

There was a cool article about a series of new Blue Note 45 reissues in the Times yesterday:

There are two kinds of obsessive record collectors: those who buy original pressings of rare old LPs because they’re rare and old, and those who buy them because they sound good.

In the jazz world one record label has attained near-mystical status among the antiquarians and the audiophiles: Blue Note, especially the albums released in its heyday, from 1955 to ’67.

So many of those Blue Note records were bumpin’. And the cover art, well, could not be beat. Starting tomorrow, we’ll host a two-for-one Afternoon Art/Beat of the Day feature. But for today, just dig this boss cover:

Afternoon Art

Detail from The Rape of Proserpina, By Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1621-22)

Afternoon Art

Joe D, By Jason Kasper

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--Earl Weaver