"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Tag: Benoît Peeters

Idol Maker

There was a good review in the Times yesterday by Cullen Murphy. It is about a new book on Georges Remi (aka Herge), the creator of Tintin:

What’s most distinctive about Tintin is the artwork. Hergé’s trademark ligne claire style, which developed gradually, dispensed with shading and relied on inked lines of uniform weight. To accentuate that line — “the true backbone,” Hergé would insist — colors were restricted to a range of relatively soft tones. Although the characters were cartoon figures, the backgrounds were realistic, even elegant. Hergé did a vast amount of research into cars, ships, airplanes, animals. His pacing and composition owed much to movies.

You can order “Herge, Son of Tintin,” By Benoit Peeters here.

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--Earl Weaver