How you expect to get your corn meal made?
[Photo Credit: Jeremy Egry via Zero]
On a fishing trip in 1939, film director Howard Hawks told Ernest Hemingway:
“Ernest, you’re a damn fool. You need money, you know. You can’t do all the things you’d like to do. If I make three dollars in a picture, you get one of them. I can make a picture out of your worst story.”
“What’s my worst story?”
“That god damned bunch of junk called To Have and To Have Not [sic.].”
“You can’t make anything out of that.”
“Yes I can. You’ve got the character of Harry Morgan; I think I can give you the wife. All you have to do is make a story about how they met.”
It’s not a great movie but it is good entertainment (and the screenplay was co-written by William Faulkner of all people). Walter Brennan and Hoagy Carmichael are winning in supporting roles and Lauren Bacall practically burns a hole in the screen. Man, what poise, what a kitten:
Two of my favs…
Wait, it’s Monday isn’t it? Dag, I’s still feelin’ lazy.
I’ll never get that cornmeal made.