"A New York Treasure" --Village Voice
Tag: vimeo

Still Life


Because mo’ Buster is mo’ better.

Buster Keaton – The Art of the Gag from Tony Zhou on Vimeo.

New York Minute


If you are ever in Carroll Gardens stop by Esposito & Sons. I lived in that neighborhood from 1996-2000 and was a regular at Esposito’s–their pickled eggplant alone is worth the trip. Plus, John and George are Yankee fans.

I was happy to see this:

Esposito’s Pork Store, Brooklyn from Brinda Adhikari on Vimeo. [Photo Via: South Brooklyn Post]

New York Minute




Million Dollar Movie


This is cool.

[Photo Via]

New York Minute

Let’s Get Lost:

Lost in Manhattan from Gunther Gheeraert on Vimeo.

[Photo Via: mOrtality]

New York Minute

I want to be a part of it.

Inner Sanctum

Check out this short by Jared Levy.

NYC Dark from Already Alive on Vimeo.

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"This ain't football. We do this every day."
--Earl Weaver